11月6日晚,纽约市V1教会在时代广场举办敬拜之夜。除了负责主持的Mike Signorelli牧师外,还有不少复兴家和医治释放家出席,包括Greg Locke, Alexander Pagani, Jenny Weaver等。当晚有数千人参与集体敬拜、传福音和祷告。敬拜诗歌涵盖经典的赞美诗到摇滚乐,群众都举手赞美归荣耀给神。
Tonight we lead them all into the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The streets of NYC were filled with the sound of believers speaking in tongues.
Then we commissioned them to disperse and evangelize. Thousands of people are terrorizing the devil right… pic.twitter.com/IGpqXmKaeR
— Mike Signorelli (@mikesignorelli_) November 7, 2023
Tonight we lead them all into the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The streets of NYC were filled with the sound of believers speaking in tongues.
Then we commissioned them to disperse and evangelize. Thousands of people are terrorizing the devil right… pic.twitter.com/IGpqXmKaeR
— Mike Signorelli (@mikesignorelli_) November 7, 2023
另一位出席的牧者Malachi O’Brien发文表示:“欢迎犹大狮子,让狮子哮叫吧!时代广场上数千人以及全球无数的人高举耶稣的名!随后,人们走到街上,为人祈祷,传福音和赶鬼。”
(来源:Charisma News,2023年11月7日,Joshua Chung编译报导。)